Mom's Blog

Where I ramble endless wisdom out of my very core... galoshes may be required.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Hi ya: It's been a veeerrry busy week and a half.

Number of kids home from college: 4
Number of kids on vacation from high school: 2
Number of loads of laundry: 40 (I am not kidding!)
Number of pies we made: 6
Number of batches of biscotti we made: 6 (one without nuts)
Number of stray cats that showed up: 2
Number of times we played Encore: 2
Number of times I lost: 2
Number of times Dad was on my team: 2 (hmmmmm...)
Number of movies we watched: 7
Number of episodes of Gilmore Girls watched: 7
Number of times we lost the remote: 6
Number of times we found the remote: 6
Number of times we lost the cordless phone: 4
Number of times we found the cordless: 3 (if you call be patient, we're letting it ring)
Number of turkey dinners we ate: 2
Number of times we brought home Sam's Club pizzas: 2
Number of times we brought home wings from P/C: 2 (YUM!)
Number of trips to the grocery store: 7
Number of free or marked-down turkeys we got: 4
Number of tanks of gas in the car: 5
Number of Dr's. appts: 3
Number of CAT scans: 1
Number of blizzards endured: 1 (1 fizzled)
Number of houseguests because of blizzards: 1 (Hi Bryce! Almost 2, right, Mike?)
Number of fights refereed: 16
Number of times I posted: 0
Number of wonderful memories made: INFINITE


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