Howdy All:
Things have settled down nicely here after last week's excitement. So it's time to catch up with the kids.
Steve checked in a few times this week, letting me know he did some shopping last night at WalMart. Why wait for Black Friday - if they already have what you want, go ahead and scoop it up and avoid the crowds. I think he had fun since he posted about it. You can read about it at Steve's Journal over there on the right. Speaking of Steve's Journal, we also had a grammar and spelling dispute a couple of days ago in his comment section. I came down on the winning side, and it was fun. We ended up talking about words people use that drive us crazy. My number one entry : prolly. What's yours?
EDIT: BTW - I don't mind it as written slang on Im, it's the speaking it out because people think that's how it's pronounced that grates on me. Another one is "in - POR - ent, for the word important, and "HOTE-in" for my son's alma mater "Houghton". Is it my chorale training - which taught me to enunciate - what makes these words so annoying that I stop and correct people?
BTW Here's where I got started about prolly...over in Steve's comment section. This is me speaking:
I simply cannot abide "prolly". Long before it became internet shorthand, I had a couple of friends who continually showed their distrust of the letter B by pronouncing it that way. And every time they did it my respect for them dropped ten points. They sit today in my Character Scale Chart in negative numbers with their only hope of redemption being perhaps the Nobel Peace Prize - which they would probably accept saying, "I prolly don't deserve this award...".
We now rejoin our regularly scheduled post...
Tom was in a shopping mood yesterday as well. He called me a couple of times for pointers on pants and pillows, and I sure he went home a satisfied consumer. Just in case you thought he was stuck on the "P" part of his shopping list, rest assured that he also bought a queen size sheet set as well. We're looking at going down to visit him next weekend if our Living Waters Conference falls through and he's not too busy. If it doesn't fall through, we'll be in NJ on Fri. and Sat. to learn about small group techniques for our LW classes which start in January.
Jere's at the BASIC conference this weekend. Along with Karen and Katherine, and others. I trust they are having a great time. We should hear about it on the Djereometer (link's on the right) in a day or so. Karen has a birthday on Monday. I hope you all join me in wishing her wishful wishes. I have a couple of small things for her, so I should really get them in the mail, eh?
Rose rolled her ankle again yesterday in practice. It's quite painful, so we'll have to see what happens. She has a scrimmage game next Saturday against SLU. She only knows a couple of people at that school. I hope she won't be too lonely. Hi, Miiiiikkke. She's at Potsdam Goes Country with Alyssa (her roommate) tonight, and called me earlier when they played our song. Awwww. She's wearing her new cowboy hat. If you want to see a picture of her in it link yourself over to her blog and check out some earlier posts and you'll see it. She's cute!
Sarah and John are doing well. Sa and I went on a date last Sunday night. We had fun, well I had fun, and she kind of had a rougher time of it. That's because she had her eyebrows done for the first time. I won't share much detail; it's her story. But she might not either because she might have blocked the whole painful incident out somehow. You'll have to find out over on her blog, I guess.
John doesn't have much to report. He hasn't updated in a while. I'll have to get him working on that. I had him working on cleaning his room today because in just two weeks, everyone will be getting ready to come home for Thanksgiving. Tom's done on the 11th but has finals the next week, so I'm not sure when he'll get home for sure. Rose is done on the 18th, but has a BB game in Boston the next day - so I don't expect her home before Sunday the 20th. I imagine Jere will be home Tues. the 22 or so, as well as Steve...but they haven't told me yet. I'm looking forward to it.
So, there you go. I have to go finish frosting my biscotti. I have to get something out to Tejla before Thanksgiving! I'll have an update on my sister's recent lost checkbook ordeal next time.
Thinking of you all...
Love, Mom
PS: Sonny's off at a Men's advance with Dad. They'll be back around midnight. I guess he was mad because I didn't take him with me last week.
Things have settled down nicely here after last week's excitement. So it's time to catch up with the kids.
Steve checked in a few times this week, letting me know he did some shopping last night at WalMart. Why wait for Black Friday - if they already have what you want, go ahead and scoop it up and avoid the crowds. I think he had fun since he posted about it. You can read about it at Steve's Journal over there on the right. Speaking of Steve's Journal, we also had a grammar and spelling dispute a couple of days ago in his comment section. I came down on the winning side, and it was fun. We ended up talking about words people use that drive us crazy. My number one entry : prolly. What's yours?
EDIT: BTW - I don't mind it as written slang on Im, it's the speaking it out because people think that's how it's pronounced that grates on me. Another one is "in - POR - ent, for the word important, and "HOTE-in" for my son's alma mater "Houghton". Is it my chorale training - which taught me to enunciate - what makes these words so annoying that I stop and correct people?
BTW Here's where I got started about prolly...over in Steve's comment section. This is me speaking:
I simply cannot abide "prolly". Long before it became internet shorthand, I had a couple of friends who continually showed their distrust of the letter B by pronouncing it that way. And every time they did it my respect for them dropped ten points. They sit today in my Character Scale Chart in negative numbers with their only hope of redemption being perhaps the Nobel Peace Prize - which they would probably accept saying, "I prolly don't deserve this award...".
We now rejoin our regularly scheduled post...
Tom was in a shopping mood yesterday as well. He called me a couple of times for pointers on pants and pillows, and I sure he went home a satisfied consumer. Just in case you thought he was stuck on the "P" part of his shopping list, rest assured that he also bought a queen size sheet set as well. We're looking at going down to visit him next weekend if our Living Waters Conference falls through and he's not too busy. If it doesn't fall through, we'll be in NJ on Fri. and Sat. to learn about small group techniques for our LW classes which start in January.
Jere's at the BASIC conference this weekend. Along with Karen and Katherine, and others. I trust they are having a great time. We should hear about it on the Djereometer (link's on the right) in a day or so. Karen has a birthday on Monday. I hope you all join me in wishing her wishful wishes. I have a couple of small things for her, so I should really get them in the mail, eh?
Rose rolled her ankle again yesterday in practice. It's quite painful, so we'll have to see what happens. She has a scrimmage game next Saturday against SLU. She only knows a couple of people at that school. I hope she won't be too lonely. Hi, Miiiiikkke. She's at Potsdam Goes Country with Alyssa (her roommate) tonight, and called me earlier when they played our song. Awwww. She's wearing her new cowboy hat. If you want to see a picture of her in it link yourself over to her blog and check out some earlier posts and you'll see it. She's cute!
Sarah and John are doing well. Sa and I went on a date last Sunday night. We had fun, well I had fun, and she kind of had a rougher time of it. That's because she had her eyebrows done for the first time. I won't share much detail; it's her story. But she might not either because she might have blocked the whole painful incident out somehow. You'll have to find out over on her blog, I guess.
John doesn't have much to report. He hasn't updated in a while. I'll have to get him working on that. I had him working on cleaning his room today because in just two weeks, everyone will be getting ready to come home for Thanksgiving. Tom's done on the 11th but has finals the next week, so I'm not sure when he'll get home for sure. Rose is done on the 18th, but has a BB game in Boston the next day - so I don't expect her home before Sunday the 20th. I imagine Jere will be home Tues. the 22 or so, as well as Steve...but they haven't told me yet. I'm looking forward to it.
So, there you go. I have to go finish frosting my biscotti. I have to get something out to Tejla before Thanksgiving! I'll have an update on my sister's recent lost checkbook ordeal next time.
Thinking of you all...
Love, Mom
PS: Sonny's off at a Men's advance with Dad. They'll be back around midnight. I guess he was mad because I didn't take him with me last week.
At Sunday, November 06, 2005 1:36:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Eh, I'm here all the time. But you mixed up my stories. Didn't go to Wal*Mart w/Tim. Went to the record store w/him. Friday night. Friday afternoon was just me and Sam Walton.
At Sunday, November 06, 2005 3:13:00 PM,
Rose said…
My entry is "for all intense purposes". That doesn't even make sense.
At Sunday, November 06, 2005 4:19:00 PM,
R's Mom said…
I've also heard "for all intensive purposes", which also makes no sense, but sounds closer to the actual expression at least, with the same syllable count.
At Sunday, November 06, 2005 6:50:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Normal?? Well, I guess that's about right. Normal for any Maxon week. But some might not know that! :-)
At Sunday, November 06, 2005 7:01:00 PM,
Rocket Surgeon, Phd said…
Would my saying "prit near" irritate you?
Because if it did, I doubt we'd make it through 5 minutes without irritation...
At Sunday, November 06, 2005 7:28:00 PM,
R's Mom said…
No, actually I love language, puns, ebonics and and all that goes with it. The mispeaks that bother me are usually based in ignorance or laziness.
I tend to pick up unique language usage/sounds pretty quick - my Scottish and Irish accents aren't as good as Steve, Jere or John's - but I think I could fool ye fer five minutes given the proper settin' and opper-tuni-tay.
I'm looking forward to having a conversation with you Job!
At Tuesday, November 08, 2005 1:03:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
That biscotti was awesome, by the way.
At Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:20:00 AM,
R's Mom said…
I forgot to give you Job's Oatmeal Creme Pies!
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