It was such a incredible month. I'm sitting here listening to my friend Tim Grant sing to me thinking about just how incredible it was.
It included the 2005 Spiritual Freedom Seminar (6 meetings plus hours of prep), Two Leadership Classes preparing for January's Living Waters 2006, the Lifegroup Presbytery, 7 soccer games, a basketball scrimmage game, two college family day weekends, four trips up to Potsdam (2 one way, 2 two way) involving three weekend home visits, a tragic family member's schoolmate's Dad's funeral, my younger brother's wife's broken neck in a car accident, my slightly older brother's (11 months) heart attack, catheterization and stent procedure, 2 trips to see him with my Mom and sister, hours at church, hours at Sackets subbing again, multiple hours in conversation with my husband, children and friends making new memories, helping each other, fighting and forgiving, or just loving each other. As it draws to an end after tomorrow, I can't imagine I will ever see it's equal again. It felt tough at the time, and recapping I can see why. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thank you Father, for planning and directing my steps. For growing me up a bit more, for showing me that Christianity is more than a building choice when it's time to worship. It's a lifestyle. One in which the reigns are not always in our hands - if we're doing it right.
The SFS was amazing this weekend. One lady said when we were done praying, "I feel now, like I can go on". Another young thing (20?) had an an amazing breakthrough and promise for her future. When we were done she said to me, "Do you remember praying for me when I gave my heart to the Lord? It was a long time ago, like I was little..." She may have meant 4 years ago maybe 10. Time perspective is so relative. It seems like I've always been here doing this. But time IS passing. And I think I am just living my life here - keeping all my plates spinning. But more things are going on than I know. I am glad for that! People are still discovering there are deeper levels in God, as they surrender their hearts, plans and purposes to His Will for their lives.
After the seminar was over I went to Sam's to get pizza for the kids who were staying over from Oswego. Walking in I saw a man crossing over to the parking lot. He was walking normally with his full cart, and then all of a sudden he just took three big steps and rode the rest of the way to his car. Joy in the Journey, saints. It's God Design and Intention. I called Rosie up, because almost everytime we go to Sam's she rides back to the car on her cart. I finally understood why. I left her a message, I think she understood.
There is no wasted time in our walks with Christ. Some times are more fun than others. Could it be because we're not finding our own Joy in the Journey. October was a Blessed time. I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in November.
Know you are loved,

Sonny Says: I hope you turned your clocks back, boys and girls.
Song Of Adoption
Tim Grant
Welcome to - the family
Welcome to - your new home.
You were not part of Me,
But I've been planning this you see
Welcome to - your new life
I promise you, you will be satisfied.
Blessings you've never known,
Peace you'll have, and Joy untold,
My Child.
You are a Chosen one
You with My firstborn Son
You are the meek and mild
My Adopted Child.
For I have changed your name
and in My house you'll stay
For I have called you Mine,
My Adopted Child.
Welcome to - the neighborhood.
New friends you'll find, you knew you would
All things have been made new,
old things have passed, you'll see it's true
Welcome to - the family.
Make yourself right at home
An orphan you'll never be
When troubles come I'll never leave.
My Child.
You are a Chosen one
You with My firstborn Son
You are the meek and mild
My Adopted Child
For I have changed your name
and in My house you'll stay
For I have called you Mine
My Adopted Child
An orphan you'll never be, cause I have chosen you for Me, My Child.
Tim, I miss you my friend.
It included the 2005 Spiritual Freedom Seminar (6 meetings plus hours of prep), Two Leadership Classes preparing for January's Living Waters 2006, the Lifegroup Presbytery, 7 soccer games, a basketball scrimmage game, two college family day weekends, four trips up to Potsdam (2 one way, 2 two way) involving three weekend home visits, a tragic family member's schoolmate's Dad's funeral, my younger brother's wife's broken neck in a car accident, my slightly older brother's (11 months) heart attack, catheterization and stent procedure, 2 trips to see him with my Mom and sister, hours at church, hours at Sackets subbing again, multiple hours in conversation with my husband, children and friends making new memories, helping each other, fighting and forgiving, or just loving each other. As it draws to an end after tomorrow, I can't imagine I will ever see it's equal again. It felt tough at the time, and recapping I can see why. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Thank you Father, for planning and directing my steps. For growing me up a bit more, for showing me that Christianity is more than a building choice when it's time to worship. It's a lifestyle. One in which the reigns are not always in our hands - if we're doing it right.
The SFS was amazing this weekend. One lady said when we were done praying, "I feel now, like I can go on". Another young thing (20?) had an an amazing breakthrough and promise for her future. When we were done she said to me, "Do you remember praying for me when I gave my heart to the Lord? It was a long time ago, like I was little..." She may have meant 4 years ago maybe 10. Time perspective is so relative. It seems like I've always been here doing this. But time IS passing. And I think I am just living my life here - keeping all my plates spinning. But more things are going on than I know. I am glad for that! People are still discovering there are deeper levels in God, as they surrender their hearts, plans and purposes to His Will for their lives.
After the seminar was over I went to Sam's to get pizza for the kids who were staying over from Oswego. Walking in I saw a man crossing over to the parking lot. He was walking normally with his full cart, and then all of a sudden he just took three big steps and rode the rest of the way to his car. Joy in the Journey, saints. It's God Design and Intention. I called Rosie up, because almost everytime we go to Sam's she rides back to the car on her cart. I finally understood why. I left her a message, I think she understood.
There is no wasted time in our walks with Christ. Some times are more fun than others. Could it be because we're not finding our own Joy in the Journey. October was a Blessed time. I can't wait to see what He has in store for me in November.
Know you are loved,

Sonny Says: I hope you turned your clocks back, boys and girls.
Song Of Adoption
Tim Grant
Welcome to - the family
Welcome to - your new home.
You were not part of Me,
But I've been planning this you see
Welcome to - your new life
I promise you, you will be satisfied.
Blessings you've never known,
Peace you'll have, and Joy untold,
My Child.
You are a Chosen one
You with My firstborn Son
You are the meek and mild
My Adopted Child.
For I have changed your name
and in My house you'll stay
For I have called you Mine,
My Adopted Child.
Welcome to - the neighborhood.
New friends you'll find, you knew you would
All things have been made new,
old things have passed, you'll see it's true
Welcome to - the family.
Make yourself right at home
An orphan you'll never be
When troubles come I'll never leave.
My Child.
You are a Chosen one
You with My firstborn Son
You are the meek and mild
My Adopted Child
For I have changed your name
and in My house you'll stay
For I have called you Mine
My Adopted Child
An orphan you'll never be, cause I have chosen you for Me, My Child.
Tim, I miss you my friend.
At Monday, October 31, 2005 12:25:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love your post.
There's another link to your site out there!
At Monday, October 31, 2005 9:37:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
My sentiments echo those of my twin bro, or at least that is one person's consensus. I won't mention any names.
At Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:19:00 PM,
Djere said…
"Song of Adoption" is the name of the song, but I agree, mother.
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