Mom's Blog

Where I ramble endless wisdom out of my very core... galoshes may be required.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I think I'm going to start a series on who we are. Just so friends and family alike can get to know us a little better. Today I'd like to introduce you to Dave. He's shown with a beard - which he doesn't have anymore.

Full Name: David Edmund Maxon

Age: 48 - (49 on January 19 - his birthday's great for getting marked down Christmas deals).

Occupation: Assistant Pastor at Dexter Faith Fellowship, Husband/Father Extraordinaire.

Occupation that pays the bills: Hotel Manager at the Sackets Harbor Ontario Place Hotel.

Married: 26 years.

Family: 6 children, 5 siblings (he's #3), 1 wonderful Mom, 3 sibling inlaws, 1 wonderful Mother-in-law (go ahead and ask him!).

Favorite Scripture: Joshua 1:8-9, Romans 8:28, Isaiah 61, and Ezekiel's call...

Passions: Jesus, ME!, our Kids, Our families, Preaching/Teaching, building our new church building, playing anything our kids are playing.

Hobbies: Web design, Sci-fi channel reruns, watching our kids play sports, playing networking computer games with his boys, photography, woodworking.

My favorite Dave personality trait: His sense of humor, his loyalty, and his flexibility.

My least favorite personality trait: (sometimes) His sense of humor.

He buys too many?.... Hats and tools.

The one thing you might not know about him: Underneath his simple facade beats the heart of a smoldering novelist.

The one thing he wants to do that he hasn't done yet: Space Travel or an Ocean Cruise.


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