Mom's Blog

Where I ramble endless wisdom out of my very core... galoshes may be required.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Sometimes We Just Need A Place to Hide

Wow, what a rough week (and it's not even over...), eh boys and girls? We know God calls us to Himself in times of trouble and turmoil. "Those who go to God Most High for safety will be protected..." PS 91:1 NCV. Seems like we have a Shelter open; I wonder if we're taking advantage of it?

I'm challenged today however to look beyond just hiding from our troubles. His message isn't simply that we should run and hide and He'll make all the bad men go away. I don't believe He's saying that His Hiding Place is one where He transport us away to something like a Spiritual Calgon Bubble Bath experience. His Word (COL 1:27) says that there's a Mystery we need to be aware of - and that is we have Christ within us. He is our place of refuge in the midst of trouble. It's not where we are and/or what we're going through - it's taking advantage of the fact that He is there with us - within us.

PS 91:1 does say we "go" to Him, and He will cover us and protect us, but in the following verses 5-7 we are obviously not removed from situations. So "going to Him" is obviously more of a discipline; mentally and spiritually we need to run to Him. Arrows (or bullets or hurricanes) are still flying by - that's what it says. Yet, somehow we are safe - that's His promise! People (thousands and thousands of real people - it doesn't just mention deserving-enemies, spammers or people who cut us off in traffic here) are still dropping to our left and right - and we're not back in God's Green room eating donuts safely out of the line of fire. It sounds to me like we're right in the midst of it - we're just using our Mystery Secret Weapon.

Are you in His Hiding Place? Because you need to be. And not for our own sakes - please! If you're reading this, chances are good you've already surrendered your life and will to God. If not do it now. But, most of you - if not all - already have the tools you need. So the answer is, you need to be in His Hiding Place - and showing outward evidence of it - not for your sake, but for the sake of those who still have yet to learn of Him and find out that there is a place of Refuge.

I watched on the news last night as folks just kept talking about how much help they needed down in New Orleans. One guy kept saying. "We're standing out here on the highway because we don't know where to go for help. Please somebody, just tell us where to go, and we'll do it." The world (including your little world today) is crying out for help - for direction - for refuge. So if you're in turmoil today, go find your Hiding Place and get your Mystery back up to speed. Then go help someone else get there.

I want testimonies, Saints. I'll share mine with you, too. Kisses...

Know you are loved,


Bebo Norman

On a day like this I want to crawl beneath a rock
A million miles from the world, the noise, the commotion
That never seems to stop

And on a day like this I want to run away from the routine
Run away from the daily grind
that can suck the life right out of me
I know of only one place I can run to

I want to hide in You
The Way, the Life, the Truth
So I can disappear
And Love is all there is to see
Coming out of me
And You become clear
As I disappear

I don't want to care about earthly things
Be caught up in all the lies that trick my eyes
They say it's all about me
I'm so tired of it being about me...

I would rather be cast away
Separated from the human race
If I don't bring You glory

If I don't bring You glory
If I don't bring You glory


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